Wednesday, July 24, 2013

That moment when

You just met someone at an event who you think is really awesome. You friend them on facebook, then post on their wall (like you did with everyone you met) a really long and involved message about how you enjoyed meeting them.

Then response you get is, "Nice meeting you too."


Monday, July 8, 2013

I don't even remember that.

So I decided to go back and read some of my older posts because I might have been a little bored... I was going through some of the posts about boys after I had stopped putting in names because some very immature person decided to go TELL the person I was writing about that I was writing about them... I didn't let anyone read my blog for a while after that either. But anyways. I was reading some posts that didn't have names and I realized that I don't remember who I was writing about.

There are some things I wrote about that I don't even remember happening.

There was one post that detailed when I was dancing with someone and singing and said to them, "I'm sorry if my singing is bothering you." "Yes, it is bothering me. It's so gorgeous that it's completely distracting me from my dancing." So that made me smile a bit to reread it, and I realized I haven't spoken to the person who said that since that happened, like 2 and a half years ago. Huh. 

Kinda random post, but that's what happens sometimes. Until later my pretties.

Monday, July 1, 2013

So there's this dude.

He's almost painfully cute. Yes. Painfully. Looking at him feels so good, but at the same time hurts because I can't be with him the way I'd like to. He;s going to be leaving soon so he doesn't want to have a relationship. But who needs relationships? There can be fun without any of the strings attached. We all know this! It is a known fact. But he doesn't want to disappoint anyone. Well, he did disappoint people, including me. I wouldn't even care for REAL relationship, I just wanted to feel him with me, feel his lips on mine, his body pressed against mine...

But it will never be. He mentioned he's still head over heals for another girl back home and that makes me feel like nothing could ever happen with him no matter what... He's just too early on in his life to believe this stuff. I used to believe it, everyone knows I did! I believed it for so long and so hard that it threw so many other parts of my life into the dust in it's wake. But now I'm over that. I like fun. I like no strings attached. Given, yes, I want the strings. But if given the choice of no strings or nothing at all, I'll choose no strings. No feelings. No later or future or again, I'll live with it for the once. It's better than nothing.

They always say, it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, and I am a firm believer in such things.

Someday I will find my strings.