Monday, November 30, 2009

Statics Kills

So, back in SLO now. It's so nice here, but I can't help but miss LA. I guess I don't really miss LA per se, but I miss Eric. In the 5 days that I was there, I saw him three times. And those days were heaven. Is it bad that I may just be falling for someone who is 200 miles away and is a bit over 5 years older than me? I didn't mention that I have no idea how he feels as well... Ugh.

So today Maya held a little photo shoot. It was a Vintage swing dancer shoot: super fun! It turned out perfectly, guys and girls matching up. I ended up being paired with Brian the entire time, which was a little annoying, but I guess okay. I would have liked to dance with someone else as well. I can't wait until I can see all the pictures too! I wonder how they turned out. Also, Kara mentioned that she has a ton of vintage stuff too big for her that I can try on! Exciting :D

After the photo shoot, back to reality and Statics. Jazz came over around 7, where we had a long really really laid back game of taboo with whoever walked into the suite hallway at the time. That was pretty fun. At 8pm, we buckled down and started the Statics homework. It really wouldn't be so bad if I wouldn't forget to write in random forces and not be able to calculate moments correctly. So annoying!!! I was so angry at the homework by the time I was done. But it got done, and in time to watch an episode of Glee! I would like to watch another one, but I feel like sleep would probably do me better.

Tomorrow are classes and I can't say anything other than I am SOO not looking forward to them. The only thing good about tomorrow will be Swing at Madonna. Hopefully lab will get out really early so we won't be late!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


So, even though I was expecting to have a lot of time between posts, I have some unexplainable urge to post again. So here is post #2.

Today has been pretty much uneventful since the last post... Left over Thanksgiving stuff for dinner alone in my room since the father and the wife ate without me and didn't invite me down. Which I guess is a good think, because I don't really want to see either of them. I'm just so impossibly over it right now.

I finished catching up on episodes of Vampire Diaries and I'm in the middle of catching up on Glee. I forgot how much I love that show. I really need to actually watch it regularly... It's good for the soul. I just finished episode 5 of 12, so 7 more to go. I might watch one or two more tonight, but I should really pack and do some more reading. I read Ch. 5 for statics, but I still need to read the rest of Ch. 9 (I already started it) and Ch. 6. Also, in Healthy Living I need to read Ch. 5 and 6 I think. I have that stuff written down somewhere, I'm sure. Also, Ch. 33 and 34 in Physics wouldn't be such a bad thing either. Or starting the Statics assignment... Totally not a crime. I also need to make sure I watch the due dates of my Physics assignments. They're online, so it's not like I have big reminders as to when they are due unless I sign into the site and look. This past Wednesday I decided to look around 11:30pm and realized I was already a day late. I finished the assignment in about an hour and a half, but I only got 50% of the credit because it was late. I'm really annoyed at myself that I didn't think to check earlier so it wouldn't have been late, but I'm also glad that I DID think to check when I did so I at least got 50% instead of nothing.

Updated my IPod and started making a super random playlist to play in the car on the ride up to SLO with my friend tomorrow. It's going to be an interesting ride, music wise at least!

Shortcomings from last night

So this is my first entry. *applause* Why not start a blog, right? I have a lot to say... I might as well have a place to say it. Also, I feel like blog spot is a little more upper class than Xanga, the blogging website I used in middle school. Those were the old days. These are the new. Now, don't be expecting anything big from this, chances are I'm just going to completely forget about this blog and then make a random post every once in a while. But I'm going to try to keep the posts at minimum to once a month. Even if I get super busy with school, I'll try to make a post. We'll see.

On to the topic at hand: shortcomings from last night. A pretty vague topic; it could range from a bug bite *ouch* to pregnancy.
---random side note: I wish my ipod would charge faster!---
Anyways. So, last night I went to "Do Something Blue" in Pasadena with a couple friends. Around midnight, one of my male friends who lives closer to San Diego mentioned he needed a place to stay. I wasn't aware that this night was the one he needed to stay at my place, but I assured him it was okay. The next morning however, brought me to terms with my decision. The father and his wife were none so happy about my choice. The father had a little "house meeting" with me, telling me it is not okay to have members of the opposite sex stay over and blah blah blah, you get the picture. He asked for my keys back (which makes sense, I'm going back up to school tomorrow) and said that when I want to get in the house I'll have to wake them up.

He also mentioned that coming in at 4:45am was a wee bit too late, and that I'll have to come in earlier. I told him briefly about my plans for New Years and how they will entail me staying out all night, to which he said: "Fine." He would prefer me to stay out all night than to come back really late. Which is fine with me, it's easier that way.

Now that he's taken my keys, I said that I wouldn't come back at all over Winter Break. If I don't have keys, I don't want to live here. So now I have to figure out what to do now. I've asked a couple people about staying there, but the only secure place I know I can stay with be with the same friend that got me into this mess, at his house in SLO. Which isn't a problem, but I would just like to be in LA for at least a little bit... I enjoy the dance scene here. Sometimes.

So right now the plan is: Last final on Dec 11, Friday. Driving up to SJ or SF later that day, don't know what time yet. Staying with someone in SJ or SF for the next couple days, attending FNB and TRP Friday and Saturday nights. Maybe stay a little longer, that hasn't become apparent yet. Then after that, everything is open. Maybe get a right back down to SLO. Or LA. Or stay in SF. Who knows.

It should be an interesting break.