Saturday, November 28, 2009


So, even though I was expecting to have a lot of time between posts, I have some unexplainable urge to post again. So here is post #2.

Today has been pretty much uneventful since the last post... Left over Thanksgiving stuff for dinner alone in my room since the father and the wife ate without me and didn't invite me down. Which I guess is a good think, because I don't really want to see either of them. I'm just so impossibly over it right now.

I finished catching up on episodes of Vampire Diaries and I'm in the middle of catching up on Glee. I forgot how much I love that show. I really need to actually watch it regularly... It's good for the soul. I just finished episode 5 of 12, so 7 more to go. I might watch one or two more tonight, but I should really pack and do some more reading. I read Ch. 5 for statics, but I still need to read the rest of Ch. 9 (I already started it) and Ch. 6. Also, in Healthy Living I need to read Ch. 5 and 6 I think. I have that stuff written down somewhere, I'm sure. Also, Ch. 33 and 34 in Physics wouldn't be such a bad thing either. Or starting the Statics assignment... Totally not a crime. I also need to make sure I watch the due dates of my Physics assignments. They're online, so it's not like I have big reminders as to when they are due unless I sign into the site and look. This past Wednesday I decided to look around 11:30pm and realized I was already a day late. I finished the assignment in about an hour and a half, but I only got 50% of the credit because it was late. I'm really annoyed at myself that I didn't think to check earlier so it wouldn't have been late, but I'm also glad that I DID think to check when I did so I at least got 50% instead of nothing.

Updated my IPod and started making a super random playlist to play in the car on the ride up to SLO with my friend tomorrow. It's going to be an interesting ride, music wise at least!

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