I know. I'm horrible. I promised that I would be making posts at least once a week, and I definitely haven't kept that up. I'm trying. I'm so busy, it's insane. But it's a good busy I love it. No I don't like the homework, but a lot of my busy-ness is from dancing and I'm absolutely and positively in love with that. So much dancing, and I can't get enough of it.
Two weeks ago was San Diego Fusion Exchange, and that was one of the most memorable weekends I've had in a while. Friday started out I went to my first Physics lab of the quarter. 8am is a little early for thinking about Physics, but what can you do. Once it was over I ran to the PAC where I met Laney and Mark. Laney took us to the train station to catch a bus to Santa Barbara then a train from there to San Diego. It was a long trip, but towards the end of the train ride we started talking to these people around our age from Australia. We talked about our plans for the weekend then started up some music and did a Blues demo on the train, while it was moving. Mark had to grab onto the luggage rack to keep us upright with the jolting of the train. Danced on a train: *check*
We got to San Diego and Amy picked us up from the station. We chilled with the rest of the SLO kids at their hotel until it was time to go to the dance then went. It was really slow at first, but the dancing picked up within an hour. I jumped onto multiple people I hadn't seen in a while and hugged many more. I was so excited to see all these people that I forgot I knew all in one place. There were people who I had only recently met, and some others I had danced with multiple times in LA and San Fransisco. I found out halfway between 9pm and 12am that there was another room. I ran between the two rooms dancing my legs off. Then it was time to go to late night. Both venues were absolutely gorgeous, but the place for late night dancing was huge. The dance floor was so large, I almost couldn't believe that we fit that many people in the smaller dance floor. The music was very bipolar tonight. Some was really good and some was just eh. The night passed with awesome dancing and conversing. I went back to the hotel with Jen and we were locked out of the hotel room. The locking mechanism in the door had somehow broken and they had to put us in a different room. Jen and Ronnin didn't have any of their stuff, but since I had just gotten there I had everything. I thank god for small miracles.
The next day was crazy. We got to the day venue for breakfast at 10:30 and by the time we got to the food table through the line there was barely any food left. We gathered up scraps and ate what we could. Classes today were almost overwhelming. There were three classes at every time slot, so you really had to choose carefully. I took Flying and Falling with Chris and Campbell first. This class taught a couple aerials and a couple dips. It was a really fun class. Next I took a class called Who has the Ball with Chris Ransdell and Lessa Lamb. This was a really fun class. It was all about moving an energy ball through your dance and being aware of its position at all times. This turned into a huge gentle mosh pit at the end of class when we did it with everyone in the middle of the room. Smooth moves was next with Doug Stilton. He taught a different way of thinking about dancing and changing up your moves. It was pretty cool. Lastly I took the Microblues class with Ben Long and Lessa Lamb. During this class there was a very distracting gorgeous sunset going on. It wasn't a particularly stimulating class though, so being distracted was okay.
We got a 3 hour break where we went to dinner at Souplantation. Gosh, Seth can eat! He had a good 4 plates of food and he was still going. For night dancing there was a live band. The lead singer was amazing! I bought her CD and added her on facebook. Her last song was Proud Mary which started slow and got really fast at the end. There were people dancing in front of the stage doing choreography they made up. The late night was amazing tonight. I started getting tired early on, but I stayed the entire time anyways. It was worth it. I got a massage from Corey with a promise that I would give him one tomorrow. Dancing and music was amazing tonight. There was the instructor demo dances, then the instructor jam, then a steal dance where you switched partners randomly. It was really fun. I danced with Andrew Sutton and another guy for the last 20 seconds of a song and then after the steal dance I danced with Andrew again to Firefly. It was an amazing dance that I will not forget for a while. We were right by the speaker so I could hear every little nuance of the song. We were so connected to each other and the music. It was incredible. I also danced with Chris Mayer, who was also amazing to dance with. We also had an interesting conversation during our dance. When I told him I was from SLO he claimed that he swore that 4 of his last 5 dances had been with SLO girls. I told him we swarm. Well, we do! I ended up being his last dance of the night. Also, Dave Madison showed up tonight. I danced with him for a dance and a half, that was really fun. He is always nice to dance with. When the dance was over we stumbled back to the car, went back to the hotel, and passed out.
Up relatively early for a weekend again the next morning. Brunch at 11, Panera catering! I was talking about what is good and what is not so great. I helped Campbell pick out a souffle that was vegetarian. The classes I took today started with Blues Tapestry with Chris Ransdell and Lessa Lamb. In this class we learned a really yummy connection that makes doing lifts and dips a lot easier on the lead since the follow is already transferring a lot of her weight onto him. It was such a fun class. Chris really wants to come teach in SLO and I couldn't be more excited if we get him to come. Next I took Latin Blues with Ivy Grey and Andrew Smith, which was really just a Samba class. I was disappointed. I wish I had taken the other class, It takes two, with Andrew Sutton. I missed the next class because me and Amy were trying unsuccessfully to get me to the train station before the train left. I would have liked to take the class Sweet vs. Bitter: Musicallity and Musical Tension with Chris and Campbell. The last class of the weekend was Beyond Micro Blues: The Arc of the Dance with Ben Long and Lessa Lamb which was basically a class about asking someone to dance, and not feeling bad about saying no when you are asked. It was a pretty awkward class, seeing as how the asking to dance part is a lot more awkward than the actual dance. It was a nice end to a wonderful weekend.
The break between classes and dancing was filled with ordering pizza, jamming, and talking to lovely people at the hot tub. Graham had his guitar, Erika had her Eukele, and Mark had his harmonica. Everyone was singing or just talking and laughing. It was a really great atmosphere. I didn't feel like being in the hot tub so I just stayed out, but it was nice to be there anyways. The dance that night was pretty fun, but kind of weird since all the SLO kids were gone. They had left right after classes. The only people left were me, Bobby, Mark, and Chelsea. It turned out I was going to get a ride with Chelsea back to SLO and we would be leaving at 2am. I actually became very happy with that decision when I realized how much fun I had at the dances that night. Earlier in the day Shawn had tweaked his back so he wasn't dancing and I was hanging out with him a lot. We had some really nice conversations. I only danced a couple times at the early dance and sat with Shawn for a lot of late night too. When it turned to 1am I got up and danced the rest of the time until Chelsea told me we were leaving. I ran out so fast that I didn't get to say bye to Brandon. But oh well.
I ended up meeting a really awesome guy Robert on Saturday during Doug's class and we danced later in the night. We ended up hanging out for a bit Saturday night and had an interesting conversation with this other girl. I got his name and number so I could add him on facebook and invite him to all the exciting things in SLO! He lives in Davis. A couple other fun people I met were Jamie from Boston, Clyde from somewhere... Emily, and Rio- my favorite female lead! I got to know some LA people a little better, and of course saw a lot of Brandon and Halley. Sadly, Halley left early on Sunday morning and I didn't get to say goodbye to her. She had to be home for something, I trust maybe she will tell me what happened at some point. The drive back up with Chelsea wasn't bad at all, she has an awesome taste in music. All in all, I got 3 hours of sleep that night. It was an amazing weekend and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I hope I can have the funding to go to the next one because it will not be in California.
So, onto the main topic of this post! Lately I have been feeling the absence of a significant other very heavily. I've been meeting a lot of guys I really like and I wish that we could be more than friends. That guy Robert from Fusion? I could melt in his eyes. He's gorgeous. And he's amazingly funny. And he puts up with my silly mannerisms. And he loves my singing. "I'm sorry if my singing is bothering you." "Yes, it is bothering me. It's so gorgeous that it's completely distracting me from my dancing." We danced three songs in a row on Saturday night. That was really fun. Another one that is making life particularly hard right now is Alex. I have a pretty big crush on him. He's such a good dancer and he's just cute in his own way. I'm just happier when I'm around him. I wish I could get to know him better. There is always Eric, but that's just something that will never go anywhere. I'm almost positive he doesn't feel the same way. The thing with Alex is I have no idea. It's so frustrating. I want to tell him or do something but I'm afraid it will ruin the puny friendship we have now. I wish he would make a move but I know that will never happen. There is always John, he's pining for me harder now than ever. And I think Joe kinda likes me too. But I love hanging out with Joe just as friends so I don't think I want to do any more there. Richie is having problems with his girl friend currently, and I'm first on his list. Exciting! I had a crush on Richie since the day I met him. We had a running joke that I would be first on the list and whenever he flipped me off I would say, "don't make promises you can't keep!" We playfully flirted all the time. I miss that. I don't have anyone that I really do that with anymore.
Going down to LA tomorrow for Do Something Blue and staying at Heather's house. Then we're driving back up for the Tri Masquerade Saturday night. Then Big Apple and 10 week lesson Sunday, and Madonna Monday. 4 straight days of dancing, I can't wait. I just have to get through the dreaded Friday morning Physics lab. Which reminds me, why am I still awake? Oh yeah, I'm typing this obnoxiously long post!!! I remember now. I still need to pack for tomorrow, but that's not really a big deal. It'll be just throwing a couple things together that I can probably do in the morning, but I should put a couple things in now. I want to take my duffle but I should take my backpack so I can bring a couple books and not have them sticking out awkwardly.\
I still haven't folded my laundry from Sunday, I should really do that. Especially since I need to pack some of the stuff that's in the hamper. Okay, laundry calls. I'm out for now.
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