Monday, April 23, 2012


Your phone starts vibrating, obviously more than just a text message. A call is coming in. You look at it as you stand up to leave the room to take the call. The way you say hi says nothing for who you are talking to, but I can't help thinking its her. Her. The girl that loves you still even after you broke her heart. The girl that you weren't so sure you loved, weren't so sure if you still loved her. I can't help thinking that you started falling out of love with her when you met me, but I am so similar to her. Same basic body type, Quirky, Silly, and you say adorable. But right now you're talking to her. You talking to her doesn't bother me except when you try to hide it. You ran out of my house without your keys, without your shoes, without your wallet and when I go outside I can't find you anywhere. I don't want to walk around trying to find you because chances are I won't find you and you will beat me back here. I don't want to drive around trying to find you for the same reason.

It's freaking me out! What if you're out there, talking to her, talking about how it was all a big mistake? You're with me know and I'm so happy for that, but if you're talking to her I can't help but think that you want to go back to her. You said so yourself that you miss her... I don't know what I would do if you left me.

Maybe I'm worrying for nothing. Maybe I'm just being silly. I can't help but think that bad things are happening out there though. The fact that I don't know kills me more than anything else.

Don't leave me, I'm not sure I would come out of it whole.

1 comment:

  1. And I didn't come out of it whole. I cut you out of my life completely so I could try to patch up all the pieces you took with you when you left. Seeing you with another girl is like getting burned and then rubbing sandpaper on it. The pain is quick and makes you jerk at first and then subsides for a second, but then comes back and throbs at you until you can't remember what it was like before the pain. And until I can remember what it was like before, and it doesn't hurt to see you with someone else, especially someone else that I dislike, I can't see you at all.
