Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Not so Great

So, I made a post recently (the most recent one) about how life was going pretty well and I was happy with the progression. Now, not so much. The classes I thought I was doing okay in... Not so good. So far I have taken 6 midterms, plus another tomorrow. Of those 6, one was awesome: perfect score. The others, not so great. The one I took today, I don't have high hopes for it. The others: 71 and 55. Given, the average for the 55 class was only a 68. But still. 55 does not make me happy in any way. The one tomorrow I feel like I will do okay, that's the perfect score class, but the material has gotten significantly harder since the last midterm. I'm really not sure how this one will go. After this, that's all for the test phase until Finals week. That is going to be... well... Fun. If by fun, you mean the complete and utter lack of fun.

As for relationships go, my sex life has slowed down a bit. The guy I was fooling around with has stopped piquing my interest, but I might go back if I get especially horny one day. There are a couple of guys I like, one in particular more than the others but I'm keeping my options open. The one I like is tall, dark, and handsome. Well, he's kinda cute. But his personality is great, and I absolutely melt when he smiles. He's the kind of guy that can make me burst out laughing with very little effort, and that's pretty much what I'm looking for. I like laughing. Laughing is good. It frees the soul. Or whatever. Anyways... I'm not sure he likes me, but I'm just going to ride it out and see what happens. I plan to hang out with him more one on one at some point, but being really busy and trying to plan things at the same time makes that a bit difficult. It'll happen sometime. We mentioned that our jokes are starting to get old and we need new ones, but that means we need to hang out more. He agreed. That's a good sign. Him agreeing that we should hang out, I mean.

Dancing is always good. I was on a swing haitus for a bit and wasn't getting into it as much, but I got it back this weekend and had an awesome time at Madonna yesterday. I'm not really into WCS at all lately... It's just really not my thing at all. And of course, blues is always good. I really don't enjoy Saturday nights as much as I used to, but that's why I'm glad that we have Wednesdays. Wednesdays are always phenomenal, as long as there are enough leads. Normally the music is better as well. Which is also nice. This week we are starting 30 minutes early and doing a practica, where you have to bring your own partner. I asked the guy who's house it is held at and he said yes, which is happy. I have a partner! Yay. This is also the guy that I think may possibly have a thing for me. We have really good dances that are sometimes a bit closer than I feel he dances with other girls. But I'm not sure. We also had a really stimulating dance Friday at the Halloween party when I was a bit on the tipsy side. By stimulating I mean that it was just really close and a pretty sexy dance. I may have also felt that way because I was a bit on the tipsy side. Who knows. It was a good dance. I'm not really sure where I would go with that if anything every came from that relationship. I'm not sure if I like him in that way. I'm not specifically attracted to him, but he's a nice guy and it maybe could work... I'm really not sure. I would have to see. But it probably wouldn't come around, so I really don't have to worry about it. It's fun to think about though. It's always fun to think about :)

All in all, dancing is good, School is worrying the crap out of me, and I'm too busy for my own good. I'm staying sane. Somehow.

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