Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cute Couple

Last night was the annual Deep Fry Party with all the Clarinet peoples. So much fun! We played Cribbage, Quelf, and the throw-things-into-the-fire-and-watch-them-burn-pretty-colors game. So much deep fried food! Zucchini, Yams, Carrots, Brocolli, and Cheese for the savory things, and for the sweets: Deep fried cupcake! Apples, Bananas, Oreos (omg yum), Hello Panda cookies (also, omg yum, thanks to Jeannie for giving us a pack to fry), and CANDY BARS!!! So amazing. The only down side to the night was that Zack is dating this girl Carly and they are really cute together... and it just makes me want a boyfriend. Gah. It also didn't help that I had a crush on Zack at one point... but not really anymore. Oh well. The yummy fatteningness of the night overrules any badness.

So much Statics work and Review to do... I've been working on problems for almost 2 hours and I've only finished two problems. I can't figure out how to do the rest of them :/ suckage.

Charging my ipod :D

Bookstore won't take my Health book back since it has water damage from that day that it rained a shit load.

Choir rehearsal dragged on forever this afternoon... and I was starving during the entire thing. I'm standing in the same exact spot in the Balcony for when Polyphonics goes up at the beginning of the first Act and when Barbershop goes up for the Cameo at the beginning of the second Act. Fun fun fun. Tom is making the people who are in both U Singers and P Phon sing with U Singers in the double choir song: so annoyed!!! I want to sing the first choir song. Oh well, can't get everything. I'm happy that I'm actually IN P Phon. Call time at 6:15 then straight rehearsal until 7:30... may not be so nice. But Brian said that he got me a bottle of wine so that's happy. *party time* Now I just need cool wine glasses to drink it out of XD

Choir concert tonight at 8, then straight to Blues after the free reception!

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