Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why Blog?

My printer is dangerous. You put it on the "fast draft" setting (which, obviously is the most efficient and pretty damn fast) and it seriously shoots paper out at you. It's like a rocket launcher for paper. I swear I flinch every time it shoots paper out.

Statics and Healthy Living finals down, Linear and Physics to go. I hadn't been worried about Linear all quarter because it is a pretty easy class. I'm not worried now, but my grade isn't doing so well. I miss one tiny little thing on the midterms and end up with a 75%. Suck. Physics is really going to be a bitch though. I'm gonna be studying like crazy for that one... And I'm still really worried. Maybe, it'll be just like the Statics Final where I was really worried and it wasn't that bad. I wish. I'm also very proud of myself that I caught up with all of my reading before each respective final. Go me.

Laundry Day! I needed it... I have something like 2 pairs of underwear left.

So today I wanted to address the reason why I started writing this blog in the first place. I'm not completely out of my mind and think that a ton of people read it, and I don't know exactly why they would want to. So no, I don't write for the readers. I write for myself. I write to get the feelings out there, or to tell a story to someone other than the walls. Also, I could post a story then completely forget about it and come back and read the story later and laugh all over again. Or cry. Whatever emotion the story was supposed to evoke. So there it is. That is why I blog.

Gonna watch Glee on TV tonight for the first time since school started. That is, as supposed to watching it online. Jealous?

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